Friday, February 27, 2009

Wonderful Recipies From Live Love Eat

So I have been reading this wonderful food blog...Live Love Eat. Last week I decided to print out three recipes and try them during this week. They were as wonderful as they looked and sounded. I like her extra thoughts about the recipe at the end of each a little extra guidance.

The first one I made on Sunday...Chicken Florentine Sandwich. This sandwich was one of the best sandwiches I have ever tasted. Once I started to eat it I couldn't put it down until it was gone. Fabulous and easy!!! A must try. When my husband was eating the second dish I made as leftovers one night I made myself another one of these. Get the recipe here.
On Monday I made these Not So Ordinary Enchiladas. They are made with turkey breast. My husband said they were excellent. My daughter even liked this. Get the recipe here.
Thursday I made this Club Med-iterranean Baked Chicken. It was delicious and easy as well. Get the recipe here.

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