Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Candy Corn Centerpiece

While doing a search on Candy Corn themed items for Halloween I came up with my own creative centerpiece. It was a little experimental, but tuned out fun and cheerful. Yes, it is made of Jell-O and when it was finished I added fresh cut flowers from my yard.

I also thought it looked great illuminated with a candle. A battery operated candle might be better so that the Jell-O doesn't melt.

Here is how I made it...
All you need is a small box of each Jell-O...yellow, orange and a box of Knox. I originally bought the white cranberry juice to add to the Knox, but chose not to use it. Since no one would be eating this I decided to use water with the Knox.

First you need two glass containers that fit inside of each other that are the same shape.

I followed the directions on the box and made sure that the Jell-O cooled enough before pouring it into the glass containers. I used a funnel to keep the Jell-O from running down the sides of the glass.

I made each color one at a time then place the container in the refrigerator until set. Then made the additional layers the same way. I also let the container return to room temperature before pouring in the next layer of warm Jell-O.

This centerpiece lasted a day or two unrefrigerated before the layers began to melt and blend together. It would be best used for a specific event like and Autumn party or maybe lunch for the girls. I also think it is fun for the kids.

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