Thursday, August 27, 2009

Easy Vegetarian Appetizers

I read recently that you should always have vegetarian appetizers at a party. I never gave this much thought before, but in preparing for may party a few weeks ago, I realized that there would be a few vegetarians there and I had nothing for them to eat. So I search the Internet for a few easy things to make.

This tomato and marinated mozzarella is so simple and makes a nice presentation. Just cut the cherry tomatoes and mozzarella in half and secure with a toothpick. I bought the marinated mozzarella at Costco, but if you can't find this just use the plan and drizzle with Italian Dressing. Accent with a little fresh chopped basil.

I had several large zucchinis growing in my garden so this next recipe was perfect. It took a little more time to prepare, but I like the fact that all the prep was done the day before. I just pulled it out of the refrigerator at party time and put it on a platter. It looked beautiful. It tasted like it was pickled. The recipe is below.

The recipe is by Mario Batali from the Food Network.

Marinated Zucchini in the Style of Naples: Zucchini Marinate

1 1/2 pounds zucchini
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
1 pinch red pepper flakes
4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
4 tablespoons chopped fresh basil leaves
4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves

Wash and dry the zucchini. Cut lengthwise into slices 1/3-inch thick. Place the zucchini slices in a colander, sprinkle with salt and set aside to drain for 2 hours.

In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Place the drained zucchini slices in the pan and cook gently until golden brown on both sides, about 3 minutes per side, being careful not to burn the slices. Set aside.

In another saucepan, bring the vinegar and sugar to a boil over high heat. Add a pinch of pepper flakes and a pinch of salt.

Place the zucchini slices flat in a shallow bowl, with the garlic slices, basil and parsley scattered throughout. Pour the vinegar over the zucchini slices and let marinate, covered, for at least 24 hours before serving.

I will be participating in Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum. Stop there to get other great recipes!


  1. Great idea for the tomato and cheese. They look so good. I am growing zucchini in my garden and would love to try your recipe. Thanks for sharing:)

  2. This recipe looks fabulous and can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  3. What a fun way to use your garden veggies for a get-together.

  4. We love Caprese-ish salads of all sorts in the summer and this appetizer sounds wonderful. Zucchini going bonkers here so I really appreciate new recipes - yours sounds wondeful!


  5. This is just what I would LOVE to see offered as an appetizer! They look GREAT!

  6. Love the idea with the tomatoes and cheese. THANKS!!! Geri

  7. Another very nice way to eat up all the zucchini's that are around these days. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Wow! Good morning and thank you for sharing! I love veggies so these are perfect to try!

    Mine's over at my fam's blog:

  9. I love the look and the idea of the tomatoes and cheese. And thanks for another way to use the endless zuchinni! :)

  10. What a thoughtful idea for non-meat eaters. They look beautiful and are so easy to do I suspect they be appearing on many party platters in the not to distant future. Thank you for the recipe.

  11. This sounds delicious for one of my favorite vegetables--zucchini. I also love the combinations of the tomatoes and cheese. Thanks for sharing with us.
