Friday, March 20, 2009

The Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Tonight I joined The Ultimate Blog Party 2009 at The 5 Minutes For Mom Blog. Stop on over there to check out all the great blogs participating. There is a lot of opportunity to win some great prizes. Have a great weekend!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009


  1. Happy UBP 09!
    I am a new follower of you, thanks to the party. I loved your Twilight party posting. The red velvet cake is my FAV.
    I look forward to enjoying more posts. :)

  2. Glad I found your blog from UBP! I'll definitely be coming back here for ideas.

  3. I love your blog. Will be back soon for a longer visit.

    Be sure and stop by my blog for a visit.

    Though I am relativity new to blogging, I am loving all my new friends.

    I am giving away my first EVER BLOG PRIZE.
    I own a gift basket business and it is the most requested gift over the last 15 years.

    From the comments I have already received, appears to be something a little different and something anyone could use.

    I have been so touched by the comments that I have decided to give 2 boxes . They will be the $100 deluxe size. I really do want to bless people!!! I want my blog to encourage others. I have decided that giving is life at its BEST. The drawing will be Saturday!


  4. Hello fellow party planner, followed over from UBP!

  5. I'm stopping by from the Blog Party!! I love your ideas for entertaining and decorating. Great suggestions!
